Monday, November 1, 2010



In this time of great sorrow, we celebrate your life and Malikai's life. This passing will not be easy for you, but you are strong and will learn to cope and survive. We love you and will comfort you in your time of need. The love that you have for Malikai will live on in each of us. Malikai loves you very much and will be watching over you each and every day. You, Dinari, are a comfort to us. You are the bright light that we seek when our hearts are full of sorrow. Seeing you every day reminds us of why we do what we do. Sing your songs with pride my friend, Malikai will be listening.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Lion King

I've known Malikai for a very long time folks.  When you think of lion, you think of Malikai and you think of his brother, Dinari.

Now, I've had my run in with "The Boys" in the past.  They are a fearsome pair, don't get me wrong, but I held my own.  It was tough, but I came out having a new found respect for both of them. 

The Boys are both magnificent and proud.  I hope that all of you will keep Malikai and Dinari in your thoughts and prayers.

Seeing them separated while Malikai recovers from his recent illness fills me with sadness as I know it does for everyone in the neighborhood as well.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all for the round the clock care you've all provided for my good friend.  I know that Vicky and Colleen appreciate also.  We all wish Mali a speedy recovery and hope that he will be reunited with Dinari very soon!

I love ya big guy!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lies and Innuendos

It has come to my attention that rumors have been surfacing lately about my relationship with BB.  The fact that people are talking behind our backs is hurtful and catty...pun intended.

What I have with BB is really no ones business, but since it has seemingly come under scrutiny, I feel that I must defend my love and devotion to her.

BB is the apple of my eye, the love of my life.  She is the moon, the sun AND the stars.  Without her, I would be just 1 of 50ish golden tabbies.  But with her, I am King Midas.  She lifts my spirits when I am down.  She holds me up when I am weak.  Need I go on?

For those of you who see me with other "women", if you must know, they are my trainers.

The Green Eyed Lady is my martial arts instructor.  You think my Bruce Lee and Jet Li moves come without a price?  Oh, I think not my friends, I think not!  It takes hard work and concentration to be that stealthy and lethal!

Snow White is my yoga instructor.  After a workout with the Green Eyed Lady, I need to stretch my sore limbs.  And, Big Bertha is my massage therapist. 

Seriously people - being born as good looking as I am is one thing, but keeping up this charm and appeal is another thing.  I have to look good for my fans and of course my beloved BB.

So get the notion out of your head that there is any hanky panky going on.  I mean really!

BB - My love...


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Midas in the house!

Well folks, I'm back!  I've been vacationing in Europe these past several months and just got back a couple of weeks ago.  Phew!  I need a vacation from my vacation!  BB stayed behind in Copenhagen to visit her family.  Yup, for those of you not in the know, BB is of Scandinavian decent, and was born in the beautiful country of Denmark.

BB and I had a fabulous time in Europe.  We visited all the tourist traps in London, Paris, Dublin, Edinburgh, Prague, and Munich.  The Yeomen Warders (aka Beefeater) at the Tower of London made me an honorary Warder.  I know...I'm charming like that.  That and 10-20 pints will get you an honorary anything!  *chuckles*

I don't think the folks in Edinburgh, Scotland took to kindly to me donning a kilt and running around yelling "FREEDOM" with blue warpaint on my face.  You know...with all the backlash that Mel Gibson's been getting lately *cough*.

I could go on and on about Europe and what a magnificent time we had, but that can wait for another time.  It seems we've had a lot of activity around the neighborhood since BB and I have been away.

First and foremost the sad and heartbreaking news about my buddy, Cody.  I miss him terribly.  The tributes were amazing and beautiful. I know he would have loved them.  I take comfort in knowing he's with Nik, Eric, Diva and the rest of our loved ones and they are surrounding him in light and love.

While I was away Keenan also became ill and hasn't been feeling well, so please keep him in your prayers.  He's one of my best friends and I worry about him an awful lot.

I also heard rumors of a love affair between Sheila and Kahn as soon as I got back...scandalous!  I wasn't aware that he was going to be moving out of the frat house once the new addition, Surround Sound, I do believe it's called, was completed.

Well, good for the old boy!!  Sheila is a spit fire of a girl and Kahn, well, Kahn is a lovely gentleman with impeccable manners.  Sheila will be the talk of the town on his arm.  I'm sure Kahn is loving his new place.  Samu told me it has wall to wall concrete with a lovely den and an upstairs bathroom and a garden view.  Who could ask for more.

It also seems that Tobias is now living with Dutchess and Trooper.  Who would have thunk?   That young whippersnapper is just a spark of energy.  Should give the ole girl a run for her money!

I was able to make the rounds and meet our new residents.  Exciting times around the neighborhood.  And to find out that several of them are related to Kiro and Tacoma, the news couldn't be better.

I almost stepped on one of our new friends due to him being knee high to a grasshopper.  "Shoes" is his name and danger is his game.  He is definitely a distant cousin of mine, I can tell from his markings.  Plus, he is very, very good-looking that is certainly a dead give away to being a relative of mine. *chuckle*

I did manage to go over and introduce myself to Harley and come to find out someone has already given him a copy of my Midas Rosetta Stone Chuffing course.  He chuffs while he eats.  I can't even do that.  I think Amol taught him that trick.

And Smuggler - ok - what happened there?  I'm gone for 4 months and well...who ate him and replaced him with that huge teenager?  It looks like Smuggler but biggy sized.  Who got crazy with the miracle grow at dinner?  That child is growing like a weed.  Speaking of, the big baby is turning 1 on October 24th.  I'll have to figure out what to get him for his 1st birthday.

Well folks, a lot is happening around the neighborhood and there is way too much excitement going on as usual.  It's never a dull moment.  We have new friends to get to know, babies growing up, new additions being added to the neighborhood.  Chuffing school...I'm so glad to be right in the mix of things.

Oh, and it looks like the public toilet on the playground is working well. Mohan was in charge of that while I was gone.  He said there wasn't any problem with it.  Book club has been going well.  I'm glad I missed some of the books...the girls picked "Eat, Pray..." something or other.

Anyways, until we meet again...



I will miss you my friend.  You are a beautiful, gentle soul.  Your bright light will shine on forever in each of us.

I take comfort in knowing that you are with Nik, Diva, Eric, Kenya and all those whom we love so much.  

Every time I look up into the sky, I'll know you are looking down and watching over me.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Brother/Big Sister/Baby Ruth...

Since we have so many youngins with us now, the community decided to establish the Big Brother/Big Sister Program to help the little rascals out. Miss Gypsy’s application came with flying colors and was very excited to take on the challenge of being Nefie’s big sister. Their friendship seems to have taken off without a hitch!

Trooper’s application is still going through the long arduous road for him to become big brother to Tobias. I just hope Tobias doesn’t have a thing for lettuce like Trooper does. Goodness, what a couple of terror twins those two would make, or should I say a mixed salad? All we need to do is throw Smuggler in the mix and voila, fresh garden salad! The poor kid smells like vinegar all the time. You’d think he’d learn by now that vinegar is for training, not for bathing! Hopefully he won’t be like his Uncle Mohan and decide vinegar tastes good. The horror!

It looks like my application for some reason went through rather quickly to become Smuggler’s big brother. There seemed to be a bit of a problem *cough* with Apollo’s application. He was very excited to be Smuggler’s big brother, but there seemed to be a bit of criminal history that they agency uncovered. Something about a lawn guy, a couple of stitches. I think it was all a misunderstanding. Apollo told me that the case was under appeal and that the charges were going to be thrown out and his record expunged. In the meantime, the Big Brother/Big Sister Program stated that Apollo’s application would be put on hold until these matters were taken care of. It looks like Uncle Midas is steppin’ in!

BB decided that our first outing should be to visit the frat house, errr I mean the Lion’s den so Smuggler could meet his Uncle Amol, Kahn, Dinari and Malikai and play some water polo. I dragged along Mohan just to get him out of the house. The girls had him doing way too many “honey do” projects. The poor fellow looks like he dropped a few pounds. I think he might have even missed a few meals from all the honey do projects Emma, Nadia and the other girls had him doing. He did look a bit on the thin side. *cough* ;-)

Smuggler was a hit with the boys. They all loved him dearly. Kahn taught him the “pull my finger” trick. He thought that was the coolest thing until he heard all the boys “sing”. He was in complete awe. He was in the pool, his ears were all askew (quite cute actually) and he stood there in stunned silence when he heard their beautiful singing.

Right after the last rattle of their roars, someone yelled “DOODY!” Next thing I know, everyone is swimming for their life out of the pool, except Mohan. Everyone for sure thought it was Mohan that left the doody…you all know how his tub is…I’m not telling you anything you DON’T already know *cough*. After I dragged Smuggler out of the pool, we all looked and there was Mohan, swimming over to the doody and he picks it up and put it in his mouth! We just couldn’t believe it! Mohan said, “mmm still fresh”. I covered Smuggler’s eyes at this horrid site. Mohan began laughing and said, “Caddyshack anyone?” With that we all laughed so hard we fell back into the pool. Smuggler didn’t understand, so that night, BB and I popped some popcorn and showed Smuggler the classic movie Caddyshack. Poor lil fella laughed so hard he said to me, “Pull my finger Uncle Midas”.

I do believe he is going to fit in very well.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Frat house

It was a wild time over at the frat house for sure last Sunday. Beer and pizza is all it takes to get Amol, Kahn, Dinari, and Malikai to pop the lampshades on their heads and reenact scenes from Animal House. Oh, and a little catnip and horse poo didn’t hurt either! Once that was thrown into the mix, forget the Animal House, bring on Bob Marley! Good Lord! I’ve never seen so many mellow cats in my life; it was like hanging out at the library or something. One minute it was rockin’ the Casbah, the next it was four dudes listening to Enya. Not that there is anything wrong with listening to Enya, she has an incredible voice. Goodness, that song she sang in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings when Arwen and Aragon were standing on the bridge, starring deeply into each others eyes…*cough* well, I digress. You all get the point. Rockin’ to melloooooowwww.

Ok, ok, what it comes down to is that I’m jealous folks. I wasn’t invited to the brouhaha and didn’t get to hang out at the frat house with the boys and join in their enrichment items with them. Don’t get me wrong, my enrichment items were just as enticing, but you should have seen these characters…saucer eyes and all!  Who doesn't want that?!

What have we learned from all of this?

• Catnip and horse poo = a good time!
• Enya has a beautiful singing voice
• Lord of the Rings Trilogy – greatest movies ever made!


Friday, April 2, 2010

The hunt for the egg of Easter!

Well folks...the big Easter Egg Hunt is happening tomorrow in our neighborhood.  Friends, family, fans, etc., will be in attendance for this great event.  BB and I have been very busy dyeing eggs.  A lot of fun, but now my paws are a nice shade of pink!  

This will be the first year for several of our fellow residences to enjoy Easter with our family.  Sheila, Jazz, Shazam, Nefertiti, Tobias, Smuggler. 

It will be Apollo, Amol, and Kahn's second Easter.  Hopefully this year will a lot of fun for them, they arrived in pitiful condition so I'm not sure if they were able to completely enjoy and partake in the event last year.  Now that they are healthy,  very well loved and cared for,  I have a feeling they will have a smashing good time, I know the rest of us will!

Phew! BB went to the store to buy a new dress for tomorrows event, I can take a break from my "honey do" projects!  Nappy time for the Midy Man!!!

Please come out and help us celebrate Easter and join us for the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 3, 2010 from 11am-4pm at:

In-Sync Exotics
3430 Skyview Drive
Wylie, TX  75098



Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is in the air!

If you don't believe me - ask Java and Jett....never mess with a man and his daisies.  I'm just sayin....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Uncle Midas

Great news to report folks!  The stork has brought us two new babies!  Yes, count them on your paws - two babies!!!  Who doesn't love a baby?  I know I sure do.  

Our first little fella is named Tobias.  He's 10 months old and well, at this stage, we aren't exactly sure if he's a lynx or bobcat.  Poor little guy has had a tough go of his short little life and doesn't have a lot of hair on his cute self.  But as far as babies go - man, he's adorable as all get out!  I know it didn't take long for me to just turn into a huge moon-pie for him.  You can look into those big eyes and just see a handsome boy.  He is going to be a stunner for sure.  Yep, I'm a softy at heart, what can I say.  I can't wait until he comes over and I can put him on my lap and teach him the ole "pull  my finger" trick.  *chuckles* Gets them every time.  I always blame the smell on Mohan.  I'm glad that Tobias has a new lease on life with our extended family and he will be very well taken care of and loved beyond belief!

Now our next baby is even younger than Mr. Tobias.  He's only 4 months old and his name is Smuggler.  He is a sweet boy and full of energy.  I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with him.  Nothing frightens this young man but the singing of the lions.  He doesn't know what to make of all that, but he will eventually come to love it as much as we do.  

All the ladies are infatuated with him and are chuffing like mad.  Ok, ok, I must admit, I was a chuffing machine gun myself when I saw him.  His little baby chuffs about knocked me over they were so cute.

I spoke with my buddy Apollo and once the paperwork is settled, they are going to try to implement the Big Brother program so that Apollo can show him the ropes.  He is a bit rambunctious and that makes Apollo a bit nervous, but I believe in due time they will be the best of buddies.

It's an exciting time in the neighborhood with some many young ones running around.  Sheila is growing up before our eyes.  Soon she'll be dating.  Then off to college.  *sniffle*  They grow up so fast!


Working out...

Well folks – Spring is upon us and before you know it, the dreaded swimsuit season will be here.  Yeah, I know, I already go over to the Lion’s den and play water polo with them – but hey – it’s the guys, they don’t care how I look and I surely don’t care how they look in their swim trunks.  But when I’m at my pool in my building, well that is a different story.  I can’t suck in the gut and chuff at all the ladies at the same time.  That just takes too much effort and makes me dizzy.  So, I decided to get a trainer.  
She came out the other day and boy let me tell you – another looker.  What is up with these good-looking women.  I mean, yeah, I know I’m a magnet for all things beautiful, but man, when it rains, it pours.  I could have snuggled in that golden mane of hair she had piled on top of her head for days, maybe weeks.  Let’s just keep that between you and me.  BB wouldn’t take too kindly to that information.
I digress – my trainer, Jodi tried to get me to warm up, but me, being me, said “I don’t need no stinkin’ stretches”, and proceeded to hurl myself paw first into my cardio workout.  We started at the den out on the playground and trotted to Eric’s pool.  I thought I looked pretty graceful, until we had to turn and run back and the next thing I know…AHHH, I lost my paw-ing and almost bit it right into the pool!  I could almost feel my hamstring blowout.  I pulled it together and trotted back towards the den.  Jodi, the trainer was never the wiser. 
My friend Lakshmi saw the whole thing unfold and for some reason she was on some vow of silence that day and came over to me scribbling fast and furious on a note pad telling me how she saw everything and was there to assist me if need be.  I looked at the note pad and couldn't understand Lakshmi-scribble, so I ran right into the den, pretending to grab my Lakshmi decoder ring, but I really just passed out due to exhaustion from my cardio workout.  I could see Lakshmi hopping around outside waiting to administer CPR if necessary.  I guess she was channeling Florence Nightingale, not sure....
My leg warmers were damp from my mishap at the pool.  My terrycloth headband was askew, I was a mess,and I was pooped!  I was done! Done, done, done!  I slept well that night I can assure you!
What have we learned from this folks?
  • Squirrels are still NO joke!
  • Always warm up before you workout.
  • I look good in leg warmers
  • Terrycloth headbands never go out of style!
  • Swimsuit season is upon us all!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So, I got a call from Moses today. He informed me that Gypsy, his next door neighbor decided to move out and that a new tenant moved into her place. I told him that Nugget decided to move out of his digs and who would have thunk – Gypsy moved into Nugget’s place and Nugget moved into Gypsy’s place. Moses said that when he was helping Gypsy pack up her belongings she said she needed a bit more space since a friend of hers named Nefertiti planned on moving in with her.

I told Moses that I was at a BBQ at Nugget’s place a couple of days before he moved out, and he said that he needed a quiet place to chill out. He said our mutual neighbors, Dinari, Malikai, Khan and Amol keep him up at night with their late night parties and backyard water polo parties. Who needs to hear “Marco”, “Polo” all night! Can’t say I blame the man. How is he supposed to dig for worms with ruckus like that at all hours of the night! The art of worm hunting is delicate and a man, one as Nugget, must have his 10-23 hours of sleep people. Must!

Moses said that he hasn’t had a chance to go over and visit Nugget yet. I told Moses that Nugget is one tough hombre. If he thought that cougar sized squirrel was terrifying…then he hasn’t met the new Sheriff in town – Nugget. If that cougar sized squirrel ever decides to show his face again – Nugget will show him the awesome powers of a Coatimundi for sure. Just the thought gives me chills!

I told Moses that Gypsy and Nefertiti are doing very well in their new digs. Those are some good looking girls right there (don’t tell BB I said that). Nothing like a couple of beautiful  Servals with long, delicate legs to moon over. I hope the frat house – aka the Lion’s den next door doesn’t bother our new neighbors too much. We’ve all gotten use to their weekend parties – those guys! *chuckles*

Speaking of, Khan just called – I gotta get on my swim trunks, Polo party in an hour!

What have we learned from this?
  • Worm hunting is a delicate matter and it’s NO JOKE!
  • Squirrels are still NO JOKE!
  • Gypsy & Nefertiti have gorgeous long legs – that is seriously NO JOKE!
  • I look fantastic in my swim trunks!

 Peace out!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


On behalf of all of the tigers, lions, servals, bobcats, lynx, cougars, Nugget, Spirit, Socks, Bok-Bok, Katie, the volunteers, and caregivers of In-Sync Exotics - Happy Birthday Apollo!
We are so very glad you are with us and wish you many, many more wonderful, happy years.  You have been nothing but a joy and pleasure to spend time with.


Friday, February 26, 2010


My good friend Moses came over today and we ventured to the bookstore to pick up our first book for the book club that was discussed in our meeting last week about the public toilet situation.  I'm not sure how we side barred into agreeing to start a book club, but we did.  You know those women, the power of persuasion is very strong.  That and a little flash of sexy thigh - well, that got my attention for sure!  

Needless to say, our first book will be "Born Free, A Lioness of Two Worlds".   After we read the book, we are going to watch the movie.  I've talked to a few of the volunteers that have seen this movie and they said it was a real tear tearjerker!!!  I'm sure it will be an interesting read.  BB is really excited, she's heard many wonderful things about this book.

Anyways, while we were at the bookstore, Moses told me about what has been happening with him lately.  You see, we don't get to visit much.  He's busy with his life and social calendar.  He did tell me about something that I did find a bit disturbing.

Recently it seems that something happened in his neighborhood that was out of the ordinary.  Now you must understand, we all live in a community that is well known for it's zero tolerance for crime and violence.  And when I say no tolerance, well, in fact, we haven't had crime since this community was established in 2000!  

But I digress.  Moses said that record is now broken...something terrible, absolutely horrendous happened to him the other day.  He, HE of all people was victimized.
I know, I know...shocking to say the least.  How could anyone ever think of victimizing Moses.  

Moses said he was ambushed.  He was out on a leisurely stroll on the playground when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.   Being an extremely gentle, friendly guy, he went over to say hello to this individual and WHAM! Right in the kisser.  He was attacked, unprovoked, by a squirrel!  Yes folks, a squirrel.  The squirrel was demanding nuts, NUTS from Moses or else.  Moses said he was the size of a cougar.  He was completely stunned.  Of course he didn't have any nuts or acorns or peanuts to give to this lunatic, so he ran as fast as he could back to his house with this incredibly mammoth squirrel hot on his heels.  I'm just thankful Moses was able to get away without further injury.  

He asked me what I would have done in a situation like that, being, you know...King Midas and all.  I thought to myself....WHAT WOULD MIDAS DO?  WWMD? WWMD?  What would I do?  Well, I would have probably used my awesome Kung Fu powers on him.  Cougar sized squirrels are no joke people.  NO JOKE!  They will take you down in a heartbeat.  Even a tiger, one as awesome as me.  You have to be lightening fast, Bruce Lee lightening fast.  That is really, really fast for those not in the know.  Once you have them down - you can then reason with them.  If that doesn't work, then you will have to try to hypnotize them.  If that doesn't work - well, then you are out of options, you have to run for it.  When a squirrel wants his nut, there is nothing stopping him.  You've seen that unstable squirrel in Ice Age - phew...scary man, scary.  

Those were the things I told Moses I would do.  I told him to maybe look into reporting it to the local authorites, moving, taking Kung Fu lessons or carrying around lots of nuts in his pockets in case he is confronted again. 

What have we learned from this folks? 
  • Squirrels are NO JOKE!!!
  • Bruce Lee is lightening fast.
  • Born Free - the movie is a tearjerker

Peace out!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Meeting Minutes...

Hey everyone!  How goes it?  I apologize for being a bit lax on the blog.  I’ve been totally engrossed with the Winter Olympics.  How can you not be, right?  Did you all see the speed skating competition?  Apolo Ohno slipping and then coming from last place to win the Bronze?  Exciting stuff.  I told BB I wanted to speed skate.  She said I didn’t have the legs for it.  I beg to differ!  I so have the muscular legs like Apolo.  Just imagine me in one of those aerodynamic unitards or whatever it is he wears.  Yeah, I could so be a speed skater with my fur blowing in the breeze.  Mom and Dad would be so proud out in the stand with the US Flag draped around their shoulders yelling Midas! Midas!  I have a dream....
Well anyways, we had our building meeting about the fiasco that is the public toilet on the playground and what should be done about it.  All the information is listed below.  
Meeting Notes from 2/20/10
Agenda Topic: Public Toilet on Playground
Facilitator: Midas
Attendees: Sultan, Iona, Kaiya, Apollo,  Samu, Emma, Lucca, Nadia, Mohan
Absent: Kshama, Saber, Bluebell (out shopping?)
Apollo brought pot luck for everyone; the hint of garlic was a nice touch!
Kaiya and Nadia were kind enough to supply refreshments and chicken dessert.
Discussion:  Everyone was in agreement that a new public toilet was definitely necessary.  Otherwise, how would anyone take care of “business” when they were out taking care of tiger business on the playground?  Or know anyone else’s business for that matter?!
Conclusion: Get recipe from Apollo!  The hint of garlic in his pot luck “wowed” everyone!    The girls want to start a book club.  I stated this was about the public toilet and they didn’t understand why we couldn’t discuss setting up a book club as well.  I didn’t have an answer for that.
Action Item: 
  • Discuss with building manager about contacting an engineer to begin relocation of public toilet and provide temporary toilet in the meantime. 
  • Pick first book for book club
  • Email everyone Apollo’s recipe

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Serious business!

Well folks, I had serious official tiger business to attend to on the playground today.  With all the rain and snow that we've encountered lately, the public toilet has officially taken it's toll and is now out of commission.  I know, I know, horrifying news to say the least. 

As I was surveying the surrounding areas, I mapped out a temporary location for a new public toilet, and will speak immediately with the building manager of Tiger Country to see if we have the proper permits to start construction on it ASAP!

I'm sure this news will come as a surprise to some and shock to others, but I will do what I can to ease everyone's fears.  A public toilet on the playground is very important and I am very aware of the urgency of getting this situation taken care of before any finger pointing starts! 

Hopefully after speaking with the building manager, we will have a tenant meeting to discuss this matter at length and get to the bottom of this! 

BB and I will start working on a newsletter tonight to address this issue!

Stay tuned folks! Stay tuned!!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wintry, lazy day...

I don't know who our local forecaster is, but it sure didn't feel like 46 degrees  me and BB (Bluebell for those of you not in the know).  The wind was pretty brisk therefore we decided to stay in today.  

BB had a lot of "honey do" projects for me such as putting wood flooring in the den, painting the bathroom, etc.  Not something I really wanted to do when I DVR'ed a marathon of Ghost Hunters that were itching to be watched.  Luckily, Samu came over for a cup of tea and I was able to sneak off into the den and  couch potato most of the day.   

Hopefully the weather will warm up tomorrow.  I need to run some errands before the Easter Egg hunt coming up in April.  Looks like we are having a lot of friends and family over and I mean A LOT!!!  

Well folks, Jason and Grant are about to do some EVP work, gotta see what happens!

Peace out!


Monday, February 15, 2010


Hey! What's up everyone?  My name is Midas.  For those of you who don't know me (yes, there might be a one or two), I'm Midas, a rare golden tabby.  There are only 30-40 golden tabbies in the entire world.  Yep, the entire world.  I'm pretty sure I am the leader, in fact, I know I'm the leader.  I hear my caregivers call me things like "King Midas", "handsome", "oh he's so cute", "he's such a sweet boy", did I mention the King part?  So it has to be true.  Ahhhh, it's good to be the King.

Let me give you some background information about myself.  I was born in March of 1999 and rescued February 2003 from a inhumane drive thru park along with my parents Raja and Jasmine and now live at In-Sync Exotics in Wylie, Texas.  My beautiful sister Samu was rescued in Oct. of 2000.  She lives right next door to me!

I don't get to see my parents much since I moved out of the house.  I know they are proud of me making my own way in the world.  Official tiger business is a lot of work, but I try to do it as well as possible to make them proud.

I have other neighbors that live in my building as well.  They are called the "Babies".  One of them, Emma, man, she is SWEET! Then there is this Nadia hotty that shakes her rear end at me all the time.  What is a man to do?  My current girlfriend, Bluebell, well, she gets a bit jealous when she sees me drooling over these hotties when they saunter down the walkway to go out onto the playground.  I just play it cool though, ya know.  Don't want to upset the Misses or anything.  

Besides Emma and Nadia there are a few other sweet dishes that are considered a part of the Babies' clan.  There is Saber, phew - great eyebrows on that good-looking girl, let me tell you. Lucca, she is so sweet - she gives me cavities.  Then there is this big dude named Mohan - HUGE!!! Big fellow for sure - not much on interacting with the public.  I don't see public speaking in his future anytime soon.  

How he got four attractive women hanging around with him is beyond me.  I'm much better looking then him by far and here he is Mr. Mojo and he poops in his water tub - who wants that?! Me on the other hand, I enjoy long walks on the playground.  Moonlit dinners by the fence.  Sunbathing on top of the den.  Romance is my middle name AND I don't poop in tubs! 

Anyways - these are just a few things about me.  Tune in sometime for updates on my day.  Bluebell is calling me for dinner.

Gotta run...peace out!
