Thursday, March 25, 2010

Uncle Midas

Great news to report folks!  The stork has brought us two new babies!  Yes, count them on your paws - two babies!!!  Who doesn't love a baby?  I know I sure do.  

Our first little fella is named Tobias.  He's 10 months old and well, at this stage, we aren't exactly sure if he's a lynx or bobcat.  Poor little guy has had a tough go of his short little life and doesn't have a lot of hair on his cute self.  But as far as babies go - man, he's adorable as all get out!  I know it didn't take long for me to just turn into a huge moon-pie for him.  You can look into those big eyes and just see a handsome boy.  He is going to be a stunner for sure.  Yep, I'm a softy at heart, what can I say.  I can't wait until he comes over and I can put him on my lap and teach him the ole "pull  my finger" trick.  *chuckles* Gets them every time.  I always blame the smell on Mohan.  I'm glad that Tobias has a new lease on life with our extended family and he will be very well taken care of and loved beyond belief!

Now our next baby is even younger than Mr. Tobias.  He's only 4 months old and his name is Smuggler.  He is a sweet boy and full of energy.  I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with him.  Nothing frightens this young man but the singing of the lions.  He doesn't know what to make of all that, but he will eventually come to love it as much as we do.  

All the ladies are infatuated with him and are chuffing like mad.  Ok, ok, I must admit, I was a chuffing machine gun myself when I saw him.  His little baby chuffs about knocked me over they were so cute.

I spoke with my buddy Apollo and once the paperwork is settled, they are going to try to implement the Big Brother program so that Apollo can show him the ropes.  He is a bit rambunctious and that makes Apollo a bit nervous, but I believe in due time they will be the best of buddies.

It's an exciting time in the neighborhood with some many young ones running around.  Sheila is growing up before our eyes.  Soon she'll be dating.  Then off to college.  *sniffle*  They grow up so fast!


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