Thursday, March 25, 2010

Working out...

Well folks – Spring is upon us and before you know it, the dreaded swimsuit season will be here.  Yeah, I know, I already go over to the Lion’s den and play water polo with them – but hey – it’s the guys, they don’t care how I look and I surely don’t care how they look in their swim trunks.  But when I’m at my pool in my building, well that is a different story.  I can’t suck in the gut and chuff at all the ladies at the same time.  That just takes too much effort and makes me dizzy.  So, I decided to get a trainer.  
She came out the other day and boy let me tell you – another looker.  What is up with these good-looking women.  I mean, yeah, I know I’m a magnet for all things beautiful, but man, when it rains, it pours.  I could have snuggled in that golden mane of hair she had piled on top of her head for days, maybe weeks.  Let’s just keep that between you and me.  BB wouldn’t take too kindly to that information.
I digress – my trainer, Jodi tried to get me to warm up, but me, being me, said “I don’t need no stinkin’ stretches”, and proceeded to hurl myself paw first into my cardio workout.  We started at the den out on the playground and trotted to Eric’s pool.  I thought I looked pretty graceful, until we had to turn and run back and the next thing I know…AHHH, I lost my paw-ing and almost bit it right into the pool!  I could almost feel my hamstring blowout.  I pulled it together and trotted back towards the den.  Jodi, the trainer was never the wiser. 
My friend Lakshmi saw the whole thing unfold and for some reason she was on some vow of silence that day and came over to me scribbling fast and furious on a note pad telling me how she saw everything and was there to assist me if need be.  I looked at the note pad and couldn't understand Lakshmi-scribble, so I ran right into the den, pretending to grab my Lakshmi decoder ring, but I really just passed out due to exhaustion from my cardio workout.  I could see Lakshmi hopping around outside waiting to administer CPR if necessary.  I guess she was channeling Florence Nightingale, not sure....
My leg warmers were damp from my mishap at the pool.  My terrycloth headband was askew, I was a mess,and I was pooped!  I was done! Done, done, done!  I slept well that night I can assure you!
What have we learned from this folks?
  • Squirrels are still NO joke!
  • Always warm up before you workout.
  • I look good in leg warmers
  • Terrycloth headbands never go out of style!
  • Swimsuit season is upon us all!!!!

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