Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lies and Innuendos

It has come to my attention that rumors have been surfacing lately about my relationship with BB.  The fact that people are talking behind our backs is hurtful and catty...pun intended.

What I have with BB is really no ones business, but since it has seemingly come under scrutiny, I feel that I must defend my love and devotion to her.

BB is the apple of my eye, the love of my life.  She is the moon, the sun AND the stars.  Without her, I would be just 1 of 50ish golden tabbies.  But with her, I am King Midas.  She lifts my spirits when I am down.  She holds me up when I am weak.  Need I go on?

For those of you who see me with other "women", if you must know, they are my trainers.

The Green Eyed Lady is my martial arts instructor.  You think my Bruce Lee and Jet Li moves come without a price?  Oh, I think not my friends, I think not!  It takes hard work and concentration to be that stealthy and lethal!

Snow White is my yoga instructor.  After a workout with the Green Eyed Lady, I need to stretch my sore limbs.  And, Big Bertha is my massage therapist. 

Seriously people - being born as good looking as I am is one thing, but keeping up this charm and appeal is another thing.  I have to look good for my fans and of course my beloved BB.

So get the notion out of your head that there is any hanky panky going on.  I mean really!

BB - My love...


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