Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Frat house

It was a wild time over at the frat house for sure last Sunday. Beer and pizza is all it takes to get Amol, Kahn, Dinari, and Malikai to pop the lampshades on their heads and reenact scenes from Animal House. Oh, and a little catnip and horse poo didn’t hurt either! Once that was thrown into the mix, forget the Animal House, bring on Bob Marley! Good Lord! I’ve never seen so many mellow cats in my life; it was like hanging out at the library or something. One minute it was rockin’ the Casbah, the next it was four dudes listening to Enya. Not that there is anything wrong with listening to Enya, she has an incredible voice. Goodness, that song she sang in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings when Arwen and Aragon were standing on the bridge, starring deeply into each others eyes…*cough* well, I digress. You all get the point. Rockin’ to melloooooowwww.

Ok, ok, what it comes down to is that I’m jealous folks. I wasn’t invited to the brouhaha and didn’t get to hang out at the frat house with the boys and join in their enrichment items with them. Don’t get me wrong, my enrichment items were just as enticing, but you should have seen these characters…saucer eyes and all!  Who doesn't want that?!

What have we learned from all of this?

• Catnip and horse poo = a good time!
• Enya has a beautiful singing voice
• Lord of the Rings Trilogy – greatest movies ever made!


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