Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is in the air!

If you don't believe me - ask Java and Jett....never mess with a man and his daisies.  I'm just sayin....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Uncle Midas

Great news to report folks!  The stork has brought us two new babies!  Yes, count them on your paws - two babies!!!  Who doesn't love a baby?  I know I sure do.  

Our first little fella is named Tobias.  He's 10 months old and well, at this stage, we aren't exactly sure if he's a lynx or bobcat.  Poor little guy has had a tough go of his short little life and doesn't have a lot of hair on his cute self.  But as far as babies go - man, he's adorable as all get out!  I know it didn't take long for me to just turn into a huge moon-pie for him.  You can look into those big eyes and just see a handsome boy.  He is going to be a stunner for sure.  Yep, I'm a softy at heart, what can I say.  I can't wait until he comes over and I can put him on my lap and teach him the ole "pull  my finger" trick.  *chuckles* Gets them every time.  I always blame the smell on Mohan.  I'm glad that Tobias has a new lease on life with our extended family and he will be very well taken care of and loved beyond belief!

Now our next baby is even younger than Mr. Tobias.  He's only 4 months old and his name is Smuggler.  He is a sweet boy and full of energy.  I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with him.  Nothing frightens this young man but the singing of the lions.  He doesn't know what to make of all that, but he will eventually come to love it as much as we do.  

All the ladies are infatuated with him and are chuffing like mad.  Ok, ok, I must admit, I was a chuffing machine gun myself when I saw him.  His little baby chuffs about knocked me over they were so cute.

I spoke with my buddy Apollo and once the paperwork is settled, they are going to try to implement the Big Brother program so that Apollo can show him the ropes.  He is a bit rambunctious and that makes Apollo a bit nervous, but I believe in due time they will be the best of buddies.

It's an exciting time in the neighborhood with some many young ones running around.  Sheila is growing up before our eyes.  Soon she'll be dating.  Then off to college.  *sniffle*  They grow up so fast!


Working out...

Well folks – Spring is upon us and before you know it, the dreaded swimsuit season will be here.  Yeah, I know, I already go over to the Lion’s den and play water polo with them – but hey – it’s the guys, they don’t care how I look and I surely don’t care how they look in their swim trunks.  But when I’m at my pool in my building, well that is a different story.  I can’t suck in the gut and chuff at all the ladies at the same time.  That just takes too much effort and makes me dizzy.  So, I decided to get a trainer.  
She came out the other day and boy let me tell you – another looker.  What is up with these good-looking women.  I mean, yeah, I know I’m a magnet for all things beautiful, but man, when it rains, it pours.  I could have snuggled in that golden mane of hair she had piled on top of her head for days, maybe weeks.  Let’s just keep that between you and me.  BB wouldn’t take too kindly to that information.
I digress – my trainer, Jodi tried to get me to warm up, but me, being me, said “I don’t need no stinkin’ stretches”, and proceeded to hurl myself paw first into my cardio workout.  We started at the den out on the playground and trotted to Eric’s pool.  I thought I looked pretty graceful, until we had to turn and run back and the next thing I know…AHHH, I lost my paw-ing and almost bit it right into the pool!  I could almost feel my hamstring blowout.  I pulled it together and trotted back towards the den.  Jodi, the trainer was never the wiser. 
My friend Lakshmi saw the whole thing unfold and for some reason she was on some vow of silence that day and came over to me scribbling fast and furious on a note pad telling me how she saw everything and was there to assist me if need be.  I looked at the note pad and couldn't understand Lakshmi-scribble, so I ran right into the den, pretending to grab my Lakshmi decoder ring, but I really just passed out due to exhaustion from my cardio workout.  I could see Lakshmi hopping around outside waiting to administer CPR if necessary.  I guess she was channeling Florence Nightingale, not sure....
My leg warmers were damp from my mishap at the pool.  My terrycloth headband was askew, I was a mess,and I was pooped!  I was done! Done, done, done!  I slept well that night I can assure you!
What have we learned from this folks?
  • Squirrels are still NO joke!
  • Always warm up before you workout.
  • I look good in leg warmers
  • Terrycloth headbands never go out of style!
  • Swimsuit season is upon us all!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So, I got a call from Moses today. He informed me that Gypsy, his next door neighbor decided to move out and that a new tenant moved into her place. I told him that Nugget decided to move out of his digs and who would have thunk – Gypsy moved into Nugget’s place and Nugget moved into Gypsy’s place. Moses said that when he was helping Gypsy pack up her belongings she said she needed a bit more space since a friend of hers named Nefertiti planned on moving in with her.

I told Moses that I was at a BBQ at Nugget’s place a couple of days before he moved out, and he said that he needed a quiet place to chill out. He said our mutual neighbors, Dinari, Malikai, Khan and Amol keep him up at night with their late night parties and backyard water polo parties. Who needs to hear “Marco”, “Polo” all night! Can’t say I blame the man. How is he supposed to dig for worms with ruckus like that at all hours of the night! The art of worm hunting is delicate and a man, one as Nugget, must have his 10-23 hours of sleep people. Must!

Moses said that he hasn’t had a chance to go over and visit Nugget yet. I told Moses that Nugget is one tough hombre. If he thought that cougar sized squirrel was terrifying…then he hasn’t met the new Sheriff in town – Nugget. If that cougar sized squirrel ever decides to show his face again – Nugget will show him the awesome powers of a Coatimundi for sure. Just the thought gives me chills!

I told Moses that Gypsy and Nefertiti are doing very well in their new digs. Those are some good looking girls right there (don’t tell BB I said that). Nothing like a couple of beautiful  Servals with long, delicate legs to moon over. I hope the frat house – aka the Lion’s den next door doesn’t bother our new neighbors too much. We’ve all gotten use to their weekend parties – those guys! *chuckles*

Speaking of, Khan just called – I gotta get on my swim trunks, Polo party in an hour!

What have we learned from this?
  • Worm hunting is a delicate matter and it’s NO JOKE!
  • Squirrels are still NO JOKE!
  • Gypsy & Nefertiti have gorgeous long legs – that is seriously NO JOKE!
  • I look fantastic in my swim trunks!

 Peace out!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


On behalf of all of the tigers, lions, servals, bobcats, lynx, cougars, Nugget, Spirit, Socks, Bok-Bok, Katie, the volunteers, and caregivers of In-Sync Exotics - Happy Birthday Apollo!
We are so very glad you are with us and wish you many, many more wonderful, happy years.  You have been nothing but a joy and pleasure to spend time with.