Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Brother/Big Sister/Baby Ruth...

Since we have so many youngins with us now, the community decided to establish the Big Brother/Big Sister Program to help the little rascals out. Miss Gypsy’s application came with flying colors and was very excited to take on the challenge of being Nefie’s big sister. Their friendship seems to have taken off without a hitch!

Trooper’s application is still going through the long arduous road for him to become big brother to Tobias. I just hope Tobias doesn’t have a thing for lettuce like Trooper does. Goodness, what a couple of terror twins those two would make, or should I say a mixed salad? All we need to do is throw Smuggler in the mix and voila, fresh garden salad! The poor kid smells like vinegar all the time. You’d think he’d learn by now that vinegar is for training, not for bathing! Hopefully he won’t be like his Uncle Mohan and decide vinegar tastes good. The horror!

It looks like my application for some reason went through rather quickly to become Smuggler’s big brother. There seemed to be a bit of a problem *cough* with Apollo’s application. He was very excited to be Smuggler’s big brother, but there seemed to be a bit of criminal history that they agency uncovered. Something about a lawn guy, a couple of stitches. I think it was all a misunderstanding. Apollo told me that the case was under appeal and that the charges were going to be thrown out and his record expunged. In the meantime, the Big Brother/Big Sister Program stated that Apollo’s application would be put on hold until these matters were taken care of. It looks like Uncle Midas is steppin’ in!

BB decided that our first outing should be to visit the frat house, errr I mean the Lion’s den so Smuggler could meet his Uncle Amol, Kahn, Dinari and Malikai and play some water polo. I dragged along Mohan just to get him out of the house. The girls had him doing way too many “honey do” projects. The poor fellow looks like he dropped a few pounds. I think he might have even missed a few meals from all the honey do projects Emma, Nadia and the other girls had him doing. He did look a bit on the thin side. *cough* ;-)

Smuggler was a hit with the boys. They all loved him dearly. Kahn taught him the “pull my finger” trick. He thought that was the coolest thing until he heard all the boys “sing”. He was in complete awe. He was in the pool, his ears were all askew (quite cute actually) and he stood there in stunned silence when he heard their beautiful singing.

Right after the last rattle of their roars, someone yelled “DOODY!” Next thing I know, everyone is swimming for their life out of the pool, except Mohan. Everyone for sure thought it was Mohan that left the doody…you all know how his tub is…I’m not telling you anything you DON’T already know *cough*. After I dragged Smuggler out of the pool, we all looked and there was Mohan, swimming over to the doody and he picks it up and put it in his mouth! We just couldn’t believe it! Mohan said, “mmm still fresh”. I covered Smuggler’s eyes at this horrid site. Mohan began laughing and said, “Caddyshack anyone?” With that we all laughed so hard we fell back into the pool. Smuggler didn’t understand, so that night, BB and I popped some popcorn and showed Smuggler the classic movie Caddyshack. Poor lil fella laughed so hard he said to me, “Pull my finger Uncle Midas”.

I do believe he is going to fit in very well.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Frat house

It was a wild time over at the frat house for sure last Sunday. Beer and pizza is all it takes to get Amol, Kahn, Dinari, and Malikai to pop the lampshades on their heads and reenact scenes from Animal House. Oh, and a little catnip and horse poo didn’t hurt either! Once that was thrown into the mix, forget the Animal House, bring on Bob Marley! Good Lord! I’ve never seen so many mellow cats in my life; it was like hanging out at the library or something. One minute it was rockin’ the Casbah, the next it was four dudes listening to Enya. Not that there is anything wrong with listening to Enya, she has an incredible voice. Goodness, that song she sang in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings when Arwen and Aragon were standing on the bridge, starring deeply into each others eyes…*cough* well, I digress. You all get the point. Rockin’ to melloooooowwww.

Ok, ok, what it comes down to is that I’m jealous folks. I wasn’t invited to the brouhaha and didn’t get to hang out at the frat house with the boys and join in their enrichment items with them. Don’t get me wrong, my enrichment items were just as enticing, but you should have seen these characters…saucer eyes and all!  Who doesn't want that?!

What have we learned from all of this?

• Catnip and horse poo = a good time!
• Enya has a beautiful singing voice
• Lord of the Rings Trilogy – greatest movies ever made!


Friday, April 2, 2010

The hunt for the egg of Easter!

Well folks...the big Easter Egg Hunt is happening tomorrow in our neighborhood.  Friends, family, fans, etc., will be in attendance for this great event.  BB and I have been very busy dyeing eggs.  A lot of fun, but now my paws are a nice shade of pink!  

This will be the first year for several of our fellow residences to enjoy Easter with our family.  Sheila, Jazz, Shazam, Nefertiti, Tobias, Smuggler. 

It will be Apollo, Amol, and Kahn's second Easter.  Hopefully this year will a lot of fun for them, they arrived in pitiful condition so I'm not sure if they were able to completely enjoy and partake in the event last year.  Now that they are healthy,  very well loved and cared for,  I have a feeling they will have a smashing good time, I know the rest of us will!

Phew! BB went to the store to buy a new dress for tomorrows event, I can take a break from my "honey do" projects!  Nappy time for the Midy Man!!!

Please come out and help us celebrate Easter and join us for the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 3, 2010 from 11am-4pm at:

In-Sync Exotics
3430 Skyview Drive
Wylie, TX  75098

