Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Crouching Midas, Hidden Dragon

Well folks it's been awhile since I've last written.  I've been feeling a bit under the weather.  Those of you that know me, know that I've got skin cancer and have been going through chemo treatments.  Well, this last round has taken it's toll on my physically and I've been recuperating with the help of all my wonderful caregivers and loved ones.  They are the next best thing to morning treats...well, almost!  Those treats are pretty darn tasty I must say.  But the volunteers and caregivers do come in a close second.

I've lost a bit of weight, but I have to say I do look very svelte and of course I am still as handsome as ever.  I did hear rumors and gossip around the neighborhood that some folks thought I was a bit on the heavy side.  I know! I know!  I was shocked myself.  It takes a lot of energy to look this good; they are just jealous of me.

To help me battle with my illness I've been working with my martial arts instructor, The Green Eyed Lady.  She has been teaching me a new technique called "Ninja Bamboo Flying" to help me regain core strength (plus it just looks hella cool to be running/flying in trees!)

Blue Bell worries that I might injure myself by being so high up in the trees and won't be able to get down - you know that whole cat in a tree thing *laughs*.   

I gotta say that this bamboo workout has slowly help me get back to my old self.  There has been a lot of stuff going on in the neighborhood that I haven't been able to get to lately.  Thankfully Mohan has filled in to take my place while I recover.  Great guy that one. 

I love you all!


P.S. I bet you all didn't know I could do the splits! I'm full of surprises!

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