Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lies and Innuendos

It has come to my attention that rumors have been surfacing lately about my relationship with BB.  The fact that people are talking behind our backs is hurtful and catty...pun intended.

What I have with BB is really no ones business, but since it has seemingly come under scrutiny, I feel that I must defend my love and devotion to her.

BB is the apple of my eye, the love of my life.  She is the moon, the sun AND the stars.  Without her, I would be just 1 of 50ish golden tabbies.  But with her, I am King Midas.  She lifts my spirits when I am down.  She holds me up when I am weak.  Need I go on?

For those of you who see me with other "women", if you must know, they are my trainers.

The Green Eyed Lady is my martial arts instructor.  You think my Bruce Lee and Jet Li moves come without a price?  Oh, I think not my friends, I think not!  It takes hard work and concentration to be that stealthy and lethal!

Snow White is my yoga instructor.  After a workout with the Green Eyed Lady, I need to stretch my sore limbs.  And, Big Bertha is my massage therapist. 

Seriously people - being born as good looking as I am is one thing, but keeping up this charm and appeal is another thing.  I have to look good for my fans and of course my beloved BB.

So get the notion out of your head that there is any hanky panky going on.  I mean really!

BB - My love...


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Midas in the house!

Well folks, I'm back!  I've been vacationing in Europe these past several months and just got back a couple of weeks ago.  Phew!  I need a vacation from my vacation!  BB stayed behind in Copenhagen to visit her family.  Yup, for those of you not in the know, BB is of Scandinavian decent, and was born in the beautiful country of Denmark.

BB and I had a fabulous time in Europe.  We visited all the tourist traps in London, Paris, Dublin, Edinburgh, Prague, and Munich.  The Yeomen Warders (aka Beefeater) at the Tower of London made me an honorary Warder.  I know...I'm charming like that.  That and 10-20 pints will get you an honorary anything!  *chuckles*

I don't think the folks in Edinburgh, Scotland took to kindly to me donning a kilt and running around yelling "FREEDOM" with blue warpaint on my face.  You know...with all the backlash that Mel Gibson's been getting lately *cough*.

I could go on and on about Europe and what a magnificent time we had, but that can wait for another time.  It seems we've had a lot of activity around the neighborhood since BB and I have been away.

First and foremost the sad and heartbreaking news about my buddy, Cody.  I miss him terribly.  The tributes were amazing and beautiful. I know he would have loved them.  I take comfort in knowing he's with Nik, Eric, Diva and the rest of our loved ones and they are surrounding him in light and love.

While I was away Keenan also became ill and hasn't been feeling well, so please keep him in your prayers.  He's one of my best friends and I worry about him an awful lot.

I also heard rumors of a love affair between Sheila and Kahn as soon as I got back...scandalous!  I wasn't aware that he was going to be moving out of the frat house once the new addition, Surround Sound, I do believe it's called, was completed.

Well, good for the old boy!!  Sheila is a spit fire of a girl and Kahn, well, Kahn is a lovely gentleman with impeccable manners.  Sheila will be the talk of the town on his arm.  I'm sure Kahn is loving his new place.  Samu told me it has wall to wall concrete with a lovely den and an upstairs bathroom and a garden view.  Who could ask for more.

It also seems that Tobias is now living with Dutchess and Trooper.  Who would have thunk?   That young whippersnapper is just a spark of energy.  Should give the ole girl a run for her money!

I was able to make the rounds and meet our new residents.  Exciting times around the neighborhood.  And to find out that several of them are related to Kiro and Tacoma, the news couldn't be better.

I almost stepped on one of our new friends due to him being knee high to a grasshopper.  "Shoes" is his name and danger is his game.  He is definitely a distant cousin of mine, I can tell from his markings.  Plus, he is very, very good-looking that is certainly a dead give away to being a relative of mine. *chuckle*

I did manage to go over and introduce myself to Harley and come to find out someone has already given him a copy of my Midas Rosetta Stone Chuffing course.  He chuffs while he eats.  I can't even do that.  I think Amol taught him that trick.

And Smuggler - ok - what happened there?  I'm gone for 4 months and well...who ate him and replaced him with that huge teenager?  It looks like Smuggler but biggy sized.  Who got crazy with the miracle grow at dinner?  That child is growing like a weed.  Speaking of, the big baby is turning 1 on October 24th.  I'll have to figure out what to get him for his 1st birthday.

Well folks, a lot is happening around the neighborhood and there is way too much excitement going on as usual.  It's never a dull moment.  We have new friends to get to know, babies growing up, new additions being added to the neighborhood.  Chuffing school...I'm so glad to be right in the mix of things.

Oh, and it looks like the public toilet on the playground is working well. Mohan was in charge of that while I was gone.  He said there wasn't any problem with it.  Book club has been going well.  I'm glad I missed some of the books...the girls picked "Eat, Pray..." something or other.

Anyways, until we meet again...



I will miss you my friend.  You are a beautiful, gentle soul.  Your bright light will shine on forever in each of us.

I take comfort in knowing that you are with Nik, Diva, Eric, Kenya and all those whom we love so much.  

Every time I look up into the sky, I'll know you are looking down and watching over me.